"Get my new Digital Nomad Guide for free"

Start living life on your terms!

Hi, I’m Neville Andrew Mehra. I quit my last corporate office job in 2007. Since then I have traveled to, lived in, and worked from hundreds of cities in more than 50 countries around the world as a digital nomad.

I’ve taken the lessons that I learned along the way and put them together into a guide for you. Enter your email address below and I'll send you my brand new Digital Nomad Getting Started Guide right away:

    "I spent years stuck in an office in the Bay Area, commuting an hour or more each way every day. It sucked my energy.

    Then Neville helped me create my own Office Escape Plan. It worked!

    Now I have the freedom to work when and where I want to. I start my day with a relaxing 20-minute jog, instead of sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

    I have the freedom to travel now too. I recently took a trip to Easter Island. Best of all, I'm able to spend more time with my family, even though they live in other timezones."

    Alex S

    Oakland, CA

    What you'LL get:

    I will send you my new digital nomad getting started guide, which covers the following topics:

    • What is a digital nomad?
    • How do digital nomads afford to travel constantly?
    • How do digital nomads make money?
    • How can you become a digital nomad?


    What is it all about?

    Technology has already given us the freedom to be able to work from anywhere in the world, with only a laptop and a WiFi connection. But how many people actually take advantage of that freedom? Do you?

    I do.

    I checked out of the rat race and never looked back. Now I live life on my own terms. I’ve visited, lived in, and worked from hundreds of cities across more than 50 countries around the world. Everywhere from luxury lofts and beachfront bungalows to a high-altitude herder’s yurt in Kyrgyzstan. From road trips through Tuscany, to crossing Mongolia and Siberia by train, I’ve had some incredible adventures and experiences, along the way.

    But my life wasn’t always like this…

    I quit my last corporate job in 2007, but the transformation didn’t happen overnight. It took me five whole years until I finally gave myself permission to stop waiting, start following my dreams, and travel the world. On October 15, 2012 I moved out of my house and became a digital nomad.

    It was scary!

    Back then, I didn’t know anyone who had ever done anything like this. None of my friends were digital nomads. Everyone I knew was still busy climbing the corporate ladder. They were more concerned with stock options and 401(k)s than street food and sumo wrestling. I was left to figure it out all by myself.

    But you are not alone... Join me and I will teach you everything you need to get started on your journey as a digital nomad.